Foro Los Serrano
Entrevista +10min a Victor Elías. 17 de Septiembre
Entrevista +10min a Victor Elías. 17 de Septiembre
A partir del 2:53:00 empieza...está muy interesante, temas de actualidad, la relación que tuvo con Nata(se le nota), el futuro, etc..
m cae bien no abla d su vida privada no busca la fama directa y parece buena persona aunq para el deporte no vale con la rodilla
He talks about the character of Guille in Los Serrano, his recent injury of patella output, he refuses to talk about his relationship with Natalia joking when they ask. Also he talks about the work in theatre, he keeps in touch with the others characters of Los Serrano (DVD, Boliche, Marcos...) and he enjoys play the piano and jazz music and his little experience in cinema. Finally said that he would like make Los Serrano again.