Foro Los Serrano
¿Es usted capaz de identificar esta música de Los Serrano?
¿Es usted capaz de identificar esta música de Los Serrano?
Are you able to identify these two melodies played on the background of two Los Serrano scenes?
The first one is from the love scene of Marcos and Raquel in episode 19. The music starts at 1:03:00. It's a familiar melody but the title escapes me. :)
The second one is from the episode 84. The music starts when Eva sees Marcos (great scene, btw). It's definitely a French song but do you know the title?
Are you able to identify these two melodies played on the background of two Los Serrano scenes?
The first one is from the love scene of Marcos and Raquel in episode 19. The music starts at 1:03:00. It's a familiar melody but the title escapes me. :)
The second one is from the episode 84. The music starts when Eva sees Marcos (great scene, btw). It's definitely a French song but do you know the title?
Imagino churro1 que te refieres a la melodia que suena justo en los momentos que señalas, bien pues te dire que creo que esa es una musica mas o menos tierna que pone la serie para esos momentos romanticos, no creo que sea de ningun cantante o compositor famoso, imagino que el responsable de esa musica sera Manel Santiesteban, que creo recordar es como se llama el responsable de toda la musica que sonaba en la serie, es posible que el mismo la haya compuesto.