Foro Los Serrano
Los coches de Los Serrano
Los coches de Los Serrano
Diego's car was first Renault Espace and suddenly it was changed to Nissan in the latter part of the series. Can you recall the model of Nissan?
The moto of Marcos in episode 4 was Derbi (they started to manufacture them in Barcelona in 1922).
Additionally, can you recall the brands and models of the following vehicles:
- The car of Hermanos Serrano in which Santi threw his bloody clothes in episode 50 (after killing Rober's dog) and which was usually used in lifting vegetables and other stuff to the taverna?
- The car of Fiti and Candela?
- The car of Raquel?
- The moto of Teté in episode 66?
Do you remember other cars and vehicles used in Los Serrano?
Diego's car was first Renault Espace and suddenly it was changed to Nissan in the latter part of the series. Can you recall the model of Nissan?
The moto of Marcos in episode 4 was Derbi (they started to manufacture them in Barcelona in 1922).
Additionally, can you recall the brands and models of the following vehicles:
- The car of Hermanos Serrano in which Santi threw his bloody clothes in episode 50 (after killing Rober's dog) and which was usually used in lifting vegetables and other stuff to the taverna?
- The car of Fiti and Candela?
- The car of Raquel?
- The moto of Teté in episode 66?
Do you remember other cars and vehicles used in Los Serrano?
El vehiculo con el que Santiago atropello al perro de Rober, era la furgoneta de la taberna una Renault express, una furgoneta un tanto anticuada hoy dia, Candela y Fiti tenian un Volkswagen golf, pero tambien un modelo antiguo, eso si perfectamente tuneado jaja, y el coche de Raquel que creo solo sale en un capitulo no recuerdo ahora mismo cual, era un Renault Clio y no recuerdo mas vehiculos que salieran en la serie, buen post churro1.
Ostia, es verdad!!!, llevas razon javielrueda no me acordaba del todoterreno, el que despeñaron por el barranco Marcos, Raul y Chuki jajaja.
Pues ya que ha salido el tema este de los vehiculos de Los Serrano , siempre me e preguntado si los coches que salen en la serie o en cualquier otra son cedidos por las casas oficiales o es la propia productora la que los compra, no se si os habeis dado cuenta que casi siempre son coches nuevos es decir con matriculas recientes.