Great scenes of Los Serrano

Foro Los Serrano

Great scenes of Los Serrano

Great scenes of Los Serrano

02/01/2012 16:56
Episode 34, Eva recognizes a romantic pattern on her dish and the eerie melody of the 1+1=7 song starts to play on background (starts at 00:16:50):

02/01/2012 20:38
Churro1, so the finnish version is only subtitled with spanish voices? because I was searching finnish videos but I only found subtitled versions.
02/01/2012 21:04
The video in the first post is from Serbia and the subtitles are in Serbian.

Finland applied the same system. There were Finnish subtitles and no dubbing.

Most of the Spanish language cursing was left out of the Finnish subtitles though. :)

Here's one of the videos with Finnish subtitles:

"Hiljaa. Äiti on vanhanaikainen, kuten Psykossa." = "Shuddup. My mom is old-fashioned, like in Psycho."
02/01/2012 22:46
Churro1, you've seen all the chapters subtitled?.
03/01/2012 06:23
Si, javielrueda. All 147 episodes were subtitled in Finland.

Unfortunately, Spanish subtitles are missing in the Finnish DVD release of Los Serrano. It's a disappointment for those who wish to learn Spanish.
03/01/2012 06:32
#t=7m7s]Father and Son Serrano get their sweethearts back [/url] si si
03/01/2012 15:12
you if you're a good fan of the serrano

that's a very good scene. I Escante
04/01/2012 09:09
Por cierto, ¿cuál es el alimento pasa a Marcos a Eva en el primer clip a las 16:50?

Al principio, pensé que era el helado (y el corazón está hecho de salsa de chocolate), pero la gente no suele comenzar la comida con el postre. :)

- -

BTW, what is the food Marcos passes to Eva in the first clip at 16:50?

Originally, I thought it's ice-cream (and the heart is made of fudge sauce) but people don't usually start the meal with the dessert. :)
07/01/2012 15:20
#t=1m27s]Quarreling of Candela and Ramón (episode 51)[/url]

Great scene, Candela and Ramón quarreling at school. Makes always laugh. Note the facial expressions of Lucía on background and the changing number of cigarettes in the ashtray. cool
01/02/2012 06:49
Fiti's hat trick in episode 12:
05/02/2012 11:25
Baile de Teté y Luna en el capítulo 142:

03/04/2012 07:30
Dos Gin Tonic:

#12 DUDE
03/04/2012 21:44
La escena de la gorra es buenísima, el Diego todo preocupado y los otros dos partiendose la caja.

La otra del avión es mítica. Os fijastéis que el que delata a los 3 es el hombre vestido de capitán que se ve por atrás hablando con los policias. Si no hubieran montado el follón en el avión a lo mejor no les pasaría nada en Houston jejej Por cierto, de esto hay una toma falsa en la que Diego se descojona al decir 2 gintonic.
17/11/2012 08:43
The drunk scene and love confessions of Eva in episode 25:
17/02/2013 17:28
The most complicated practical joke of the series: