Foro El mentalista
Posible octava temporada
Posible octava temporada
There’s always the potential of the show being shopped to another network. What are your feelings about that? Would Simon be up for that? Or do you think this is it?
It’s possible. This is a business. And it’s been such a wonderful part of my life and Simon and Robin and [co-star Tim Kang’s] life. No one involved is walking away and throwing down the mike and saying, “F–k y’all, I’m done with this.” It’s been a remarkably happy experience. There’s no reason why it couldn’t continue. But when you’ve done seven years and have an end date, people concentrate on that. For the audience it’s important to give a sense of closure. To a degree, it’s up to Simon. and I’d do whatever Simon wants to do.
It’s possible. This is a business. And it’s been such a wonderful part of my life and Simon and Robin and [co-star Tim Kang’s] life. No one involved is walking away and throwing down the mike and saying, “F–k y’all, I’m done with this.” It’s been a remarkably happy experience. There’s no reason why it couldn’t continue. But when you’ve done seven years and have an end date, people concentrate on that. For the audience it’s important to give a sense of closure. To a degree, it’s up to Simon. and I’d do whatever Simon wants to do.
La Octava temporada va a dar un salto temporal hacia el pasado, hasta el 1x01, y nos van a contar todo desde el punto de vista de RJ.
Ahora se llevan mucho las series de antiheroes.
Ahora se llevan mucho las series de antiheroes.
Por favor, no!!!
El tipo ese, Heller... no está a la altura de Red John. Terminaría por estropearlo más! Jajajaja
El tipo ese, Heller... no está a la altura de Red John. Terminaría por estropearlo más! Jajajaja
Sinceramente, creo que todo lo que dice es pura palabrería. Lo típico que se suele decir para quedar bien pero esta es la última temporada de la serie. Así lo han anunciado y que la temporada 7 sea una "mini-temporada" lo demuestra más aún. ¿Podría ir a otra cadena?. No digo que no exista la posibilidad pero yo lo dudo.