Foro El mentalista
¿La Sonrisa de Red John?
¿La Sonrisa de Red John?
We asked Heller to make a case for each of the seven suspects. "All of those guys have reasons to hide aspects of their personality," he says. "It's just a question of whether they're hiding for ordinary prosaic reasons or for sinister, evil reasons."
Ray Haffner (Reed Diamond): Heller characterizes former CBI supervisor and cult member Ray Haffner as "the sort of Richard Gere-as-villain type. Smiling, charming. Maybe seems a little too shallow to be a serial killer, or too light. ... With Haffner, he always seems smiling and cheery but there always seems to be a dark cloud behind that smile. That, more than anything, would be what made me suspicious of him."
*** Traducción Español:
"Tipo de villano a lo Richard Gere. Sonriente, encantador. Quizás parece un tanto superficial para ser un asesino en serie, o demasiado trivial... Con Haffner, él siempre parece sonriente y alegre pero parece tener una nube negra detrás de esa sonrisa. Eso, más que nada, me haría sospechar de él." Heller.
¿Qué pensais de esta descripción? Da mucha importancia a su sonrisa, símbolo característico de Red John.
Ray Haffner (Reed Diamond): Heller characterizes former CBI supervisor and cult member Ray Haffner as "the sort of Richard Gere-as-villain type. Smiling, charming. Maybe seems a little too shallow to be a serial killer, or too light. ... With Haffner, he always seems smiling and cheery but there always seems to be a dark cloud behind that smile. That, more than anything, would be what made me suspicious of him."
*** Traducción Español:
"Tipo de villano a lo Richard Gere. Sonriente, encantador. Quizás parece un tanto superficial para ser un asesino en serie, o demasiado trivial... Con Haffner, él siempre parece sonriente y alegre pero parece tener una nube negra detrás de esa sonrisa. Eso, más que nada, me haría sospechar de él." Heller.
¿Qué pensais de esta descripción? Da mucha importancia a su sonrisa, símbolo característico de Red John.