Spoilers: La vida tras Red John

Foro El mentalista

Spoilers: La vida tras Red John

Spoilers: La vida tras Red John

05/11/2013 15:41
Gracias a Ale de The Mentalist: Foro en Español

"No tenemos la confirmación de que esto sea 100% real, pues la fuente es una persona que ha hecho una transcripción. Se confirmará cuando tengamos un enlace a la fuente original. (En mi opinión personal, esto parece real)

Mientras tanto, os comentamos de que tratan estos nuevos spoilers.

Según esta entrevista, saltaremos en el tiempo dos años para el episodio 6.09 "My Blue Heaven", donde veremos a Jane viviendo en América del Sur y al resto del equipo en otros puestos de trabajo, hasta que los viejos fantasmas regresan, y parece que Jane volverá a resolver casos. Lo veremos en un entorno diferente y con gente diferente.

Mientras que Robin sigue sin mojarse en el tema Jisbon, diciendo que no cree que Lisbon tenga el coraje de actuar en consecuencia de sus sentimientos. Al mismo tiempo, veremos a un Jane triste por perder a Lisbon y echándola de menos.
Parece que cobran sentido las palabras de Bruno Heller "Vamos a separarlos para volver a juntarlos"

So where do we go from here? The end of the Red John sage is a "rebirth for the mentalist, a chance to go in a new, fresh direction,' says Heller, who in the November 24 episode will move the series two years into the future, where Jane is a wanted man hiding out in South America and his old CBI cronies are holding down new jobs.

"There's been a thorough house cleaning in California Law enforcement as a result of the vast conspiracy led by Red John." says Heller. "Ghosts from the past will continue to play a part in the show, but it's definitely a brighter day. At first, Jane wants nothing more to do with crime solving, but-like Michael Corleone in the Godfather-he's pulled back in."

Will getting revenge help Jane deal with his grief? Can he now move on with his life and maybe even find love again... perhaps with Robin Tunney's character,. Teresa Lisbon? "Whenever I meet fans of the show, they don't seem to care who Red John is," Says Tunney with a laugh, "All they want to know is. "Will Jane and Lisbon ever get together?" Tunney doesn't see that happening. " Jane is a adorable and brilliant but a completely frustrating jerk. Their relationship is a love story. But I don't think Lisbon would ever have the courage to act on it."

Would Jane? "When we pick back up, you see he really misses Lisbon and is a sad, floundering shadow of a man," Says Baker, who will direct the time-jump episode." "He's completely lost his mojo."

But mojo-like a job busting bad guys- is something you can always get back. "We're going to have some fun by putting Jane into an entirely different work environment," Baker says " He'll not only find his spark again-He'll have a whole lot of new people to rub the wrong way."

05/11/2013 15:49
Mil gracias como siempre por la información que pones!!!
05/11/2013 17:00
De confirmarse la veracidad de estas declaraciones de BH, nos encontramos ante UNA PISTA CLAVE Y ESCLARECEDORA DE MUCHAS DUDAS SOBRE LA CONEXIÓN ENTRE LA RED TIGER TIGER Y RED JOHN:

"There's been a thorough house cleaning in California Law enforcement as a result of the vast conspiracy LED BY Red John." says Heller.

Red John, líder de la organización.