Foro Doctor Who
Que personaje eres de Doctor Who?
Que personaje eres de Doctor Who?
Si os aburrís, probad de hacer el test y a ver que personajes os sale.
A mi me ha salido mi él, jejeje.
Your Result

The Master. You are witty, and, um, very clever. You like the Teletubbies, and although you have gone insane you have an almost successful plan for taking over the world, and then, the Universe.
Si os aburrís, probad de hacer el test y a ver que personajes os sale.
A mi me ha salido mi él, jejeje.
Your Result

The Master. You are witty, and, um, very clever. You like the Teletubbies, and although you have gone insane you have an almost successful plan for taking over the world, and then, the Universe.
*o* me paresco al 10
Your Result

The Doctor. You are clever, funny, and upbeat. You have foiled many alien attempts to overthrow the Earth, and although people call you mad, you only partially agree.
y sin entender ingles
( a ver si se ve ahora
Your Result

The Doctor. You are clever, funny, and upbeat. You have foiled many alien attempts to overthrow the Earth, and although people call you mad, you only partially agree.
y sin entender ingles

Rose Tyler. You are kind and loyal to the Doctor. Although you seem to be willing to obey his orders, you are fond of the occassional bit of mischief.
Jamás pensé que me parecía a Rose, qué cosas XDDDD
Terror, mi nivel de inglés es el de cualquier estudiante de la ESO, pero por suerte existe el traductor de google xD
Soy el capitán Jack Harkness!! :D

Capt. Jack Harkness. You are extremely intelligent, although the Doctor did trick you into swapping your sonic blaster gun for a banana. You flirt with anyone you meet, but are fearless when duty calls.
Después de ver esto me ha dado por buscar más tests por google y en los tres que he hecho me ha salido Jack Harkness lol

Capt. Jack Harkness. You are extremely intelligent, although the Doctor did trick you into swapping your sonic blaster gun for a banana. You flirt with anyone you meet, but are fearless when duty calls.
Después de ver esto me ha dado por buscar más tests por google y en los tres que he hecho me ha salido Jack Harkness lol