Ránking de todos los capítulos y temporadas del 'Doctor Who' moderno de DoctorWhoTV

Foro Doctor Who

Ránking de todos los capítulos y temporadas del 'Doctor ...

Ránking de todos los capítulos y temporadas del 'Doctor Who' moderno de DoctorWhoTV

19/07/2017 15:33
La web 'Doctor Who TV', con unos 7.000 votantes, puso nota a cada capítulo de la serie moderna haciendo un ránking con ello. ¿Cómo es el criterio de evaluación?

Menos de 6 = desastre
6-6,5 = flojo recibimiento
6,5-7 = bien
7-7,5 = notable
7,5-8 = notable alto
8-8,5 = excelente
8,5-9 = tirando a obra maestra
Más de 9 = excepcionalmente bueno

Vamos de abajo a arriba:

143. Ep. 2x11 'Fear Her': 4,17
142. Ep. 2x10 'Love & Monsters': 4,52
141. Ep. 8x10 'In the Forest of the Night': 5,32
140. Ep. 7x00 'The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe': 5,38
139. Ep. 6x03 'The Curse of the Black Spot': 5,43
138. Ep. 2x07 'The Idiot's Latern': 5,76
137. Ep. 3x05 'Evolution of the Daleks': 5,8
136. Ep. 3x04 'Daleks in Manhattan': 5,9
135. Ep. 9x09 'Sleep No more': 5,96
134. Ep. 6x09 'Night Terrors': 6,01
133. Ep. 3x06 'The Lazarus Experiment': 6,06
132. Ep. 1x07 'The Long Game': 6,18
131. Ep. 2x01 'New Earth': 6,2
130. Ep. 5x03 'Victory of the Daleks': 6,2
129. Ep. 1x04 'Aliens of London': 6,3
128. Ep. 7x12 'Nightmare in Silver': 6,32
127. Sp. 01 'The Next Doctor': 6,33
126. Ep. 1x05 'World War Three': 6,34
125. Ep. 1x11 'Boom Town': 6,35
124. Ep. 6x05 'The Rebel Fresh': 6,49
123. Ep. 6x06 'The Almost People': 6,53
122. Sp. 02 'Planet of the Dead': 6,54
121. Ep. 7x10 'Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS': 6,55
120. Ep. 8x03 'Robot of Sherwood': 6,55
119. Ep. 6x12 'Closing Time': 6,58
118. Ep. 4x06 'The Doctor's Daughter': 6,68
117. Ep. 3x07 '42': 6,69
116. Ep. 7x04 'The Power of Three': 6,74
115. Ep. 5x02 'The Beast Below': 6,76
114. Ep. 7x07 'The Rings of Akhaten': 6,77
113. Ep. 5x06 'The Vampires of Venice': 6,78
112. Ep. 8x07 'Kill the Moon': 6,81
111. Ep. 7x08 'Cold War': 6,85
110. Ep. 5x08 'The Hungry Earth': 6,87
109. Ep. 5x09 'Cold Blood': 6,88
108. Ep. 7x02 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship': 6,89
107. Ep. 4x00 'Voyage of the Damned': 6,97
106. Ep. 10x00 'The Return of Doctor Mysterio': 6,97
105. Ep. 3x03 'Gridlock': 7
104. Ep. 3x02 'The Shakespeare Code': 7,02
103. Ep. 1x02 'The End of the World': 7,04
102. Ep. 4x05 'The Poison Sky': 7,04
101. Ep. 4x04 'The Sontaran Stratagem': 7,06
100. Ep. 6x08 'Let's Kill Hitler': 7,06
99. Ep. 1x03 'The Uninquiet Dead': 7,08
98. Ep. 10x02 'Smile': 7,1
97. Ep. 2x02 'Tooth and Claw': 7,11
96. Ep. 8x06 'The Caretaker': 7,11
95. Ep. 4x07 'The Unicorn and the Wasp': 7,15
94. Ep. 7x03 'A Town Called Mercy': 7,16
93. Ep. 10x08 'The Lie of the Land': 7,16
92. Ep. 3x00 'The Runaway Bride': 7,2
91. Ep. 6x13 'The Wedding of River Song': 7,21
90. Ep. 2x05 'Rise of the Cybermen': 7,26
89. Ep. 7x11 'The Crimson Horror': 7,28
88. Ep. 2x08 'The Age of Steel': 7,3
87. Ep. 4x01 'Partners in Crime': 7,33
86. Ep. 3x01 'Smith and Jones': 7,38
85. Ep. 7x09 'Hide': 7,4
84. Ep. 9x05 'The Girl Who Died': 7,46
83. Ep. 1x01 'Rose': 7,49
82. Ep. 10x04 'Knock Knock': 7,49
81. Ep. 4x03 'Planet of the Ood': 7,54
80. Ep. 8x02 'Into the Dalek': 7,54
79. Ep. 8x05 'Time Heist': 7,56
78. Ep. 7x06 'The Bells of St. John': 7,62
77. Ep. 3x13 'The Last of the Time Lords': 7,64
76. Ep. 1x08 'Father's Day': 7,65
75. Ep. 10x10 'The Eaters of Light': 7,67
74. Ep. 5x11 'The Lodger': 7,69
73. Ep. 9x06 'The Woman Who Lived': 7,72
72. Ep. 10x09 'Empress of Mars': 7,72
71. Ep. 6x11 'The God Complex': 7,76
70. Ep. 9x12 'Hell Bent': 7,76
69. Ep. 4x02 'The Fires of Pompeii': 7,77
68. Sp. 04 'The End of Time: Part 1': 7,78
67. Ep. 2x00 'The Christmas Invasion': 7,8
66. Ep. 2x12 'Army of Ghosts': 7,8
65. Ep. 10x03 'Thin Ice': 7,81
64. Ep. 10x01 'The Pilot': 7,84
63. Ep. 7x05 'The Angels Take Manhattan': 7,86
62. Ep. 8x13 'Death in Heaven': 7,89
61. Sp. 05 'The End of Time: Part 2': 7,91
60. Ep. 4x13 'Journey's End': 7,95
59. 50th 'The Time of the Doctor': 7,97
58. Ep. 9x13 'The Husbands of River Song': 7,98
57. Ep. 10x07 'The Pyramid at the End of the World': 7,99
56. Ep. 2x03 'School Reunion': 8,01
55. Ep. 7x01 'Asylum of the Daleks': 8,02
54. Ep. 5x07 'Amy's Choice': 8,04
53. Ep. 6x10 'The Girl Who Waited': 8,05
52. Ep. 8x13 'Last Christmas': 8,1
51. Sp. 'The Snowmen': 8,11
50. Ep. 5x05 'Flesh and Stone': 8,12
49. Ep. 6x00 'A Christmas Carol': 8,13
48. Ep. 2x13 'Doomsday': 8,17
47. Ep. 9x04 'Before the Flood': 8,18
46. Ep. 5x04 'The Time of Angels': 8,23
45. Ep. 2x08 'The Impossible Planet': 8,23
44. Ep. 8x01 'Deep Breath': 8,24
43. Ep. 3x12 'The Sound of Drums': 8,24
42. Ep. 6x07 'A Good Man Goes to War': 8,25
41. Ep. 2x09 'The Satan Pit': 8,26
40. Ep. 9x07 'The Zygon Invasion': 8,33
39. Ep. 4x11 'Turn Left': 8,34
38. Ep. 4x12 'The Stolen Earth': 8,36
37. Ep. 1x12 'Bad Wolf': 8,4
36. Ep. 10x06 'Extremis': 8,42
35. Ep. 9x03 'Under the Lake': 8,43
34. Ep. 3x11 'Utopia': 8,45
33. Ep. 7x13 'The Name of the Doctor': 8,45
32. Ep. 9x01 'The Magician's Apprentice': 8,48
31. Ep. 10x05 'Oxygen': 8,48
30. Ep. 10x12 'The Doctor Falls': 8,49
29. Ep. 6x02 'Day of the Moon': 8,55
28. Ep. 4x10 'Midnight': 8,57
27. Ep. 9x02 'The Witch's Familiar': 8,6
26. Ep. 8x09 'Flatline': 8,65
25. Ep. 8x11 'Dark Water': 8,65
24. Ep. 6x01 'The Impossible Astronaut': 8,66
23. Sp. 03 'The Waters of Mars': 8,74
22. Ep. 6x04 'The Doctor's Wife': 8,76
21. Ep. 5x13 'The Big Bang': 8,76
20. Ep. 9x10 'Face the Raven': 8,8
19. Ep. 3x08 'Human Nature': 8,81
18. Ep. 5x10 'Vincent and the Doctor': 8,81
17. Ep. 1x06 'Dalek': 8,83
16. Ep. 8x08 'Mummy of the Orient Express': 8,83
15. Ep. 8x04 'Listen': 8,84
14. Ep. 2x04 'The Girl in the Fireplace': 8,86
13. Ep. 1x13 'The Parting of the Ways': 8,87
12. Ep. 3x09 'The Family of Blood': 8,93
11. Ep. 5x12 'The Pandorica Opens': 8,95
10. Ep. 9x08 'The Zygon Inversion': 8,99
9. Ep. 4x08 'Silence in Library': 9
8. Ep. 4x09 'Forest of the Dead': 9,01
7. Ep. 1x10 'The Doctor Dances': 9,04
6. Ep. 10x11 'World Enough and Time': 9,05
5. Ep. 5x01 'The Eleventh Hour': 9,05
4. Ep. 1x09 'The Empty Child': 9,06
3. Ep. 3x10 'Blink': 9,33
2. Ep. 9x11 'Heaven Sent': 9,34
1. 50th 'The Day of the Doctor': 9,4

Y a partir de la media sale el resultado de cada temporada:

10. Temporada 2: 7,05
9. Temporada 7: 7,22
8. Temporada 6: 7,33
7. Temporada 3: 7,48
6. Temporada 1: 7,56
5. Temporada 8: 7,67
4. Temporada 5: 7,78
3. Temporada 4: 7,83
2. Temporada 10: 7,93
1. Temporada 9: 8,17
19/07/2017 15:35
Solo 9 con menos de 6, no está mal. Y alguno no lo merece.
21/07/2017 20:16
Pues ya tengo por donde empezar mi recopilatorio para ver este verano jejeje