101+ Reasons to ship Damon and Elena (Colaboración VIDEO)

Foro Crónicas vampíricas

101+ Reasons to ship Damon and Elena (Colaboración VIDEO)

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101+ Reasons to ship Damon and Elena (Colaboración VIDEO)

28/08/2014 23:24
Supongo que todas conoceréis los famosos videos que recogen las razones por las que shippear a Delena! Pues van a hacer uno nuevo recogiendo las frases y momentos de las 5ª temporada.

La novedad es que han abierto a los fans la posibilidad de participar, mandando por correos las razones por las que se sigue a Damon y Elena basadas en la 5ª temporada.

Me ha parecido interesante así que os traigo una idea! ¿¿Y si hacemos desde el foro una lluvia de ideas y recogemos todas las razones que se nos ocurran??
Luego las traducimos a inglés y las mandamos a la chica esta que hace el video!

Estaríamos colaborando, si nos eligen alguna igual nos llevamos una mención en el video y bueno aunque solo sea por echar el rato y recordar cosas delena ya estaría bien jajaja

Dejo el video que han publicado para pedir colaboración :)

Lo único malo es que acaba el plazo el 1 de septiembre (el lunes). Así que hay que hacerlo sin tardar mucho... Voy a pensar a ver como podemos organizarlo y empezamos cuando queráis ;)



- Porque por que el amor hizo posible, lo que parecía imposible.
- Porque se tienen sin tenerse y porque se quieren sin querer.
- 5x22 "Por que trasciende la muerte"
- Porque ella aún amando a su hermano decidió morir con él sin saber si habría un regreso.


- Because everyone in Mystic Falls has finally realised they are meant to be.
- Because of the “summer of our lives” (5x01)
- Because they didn’t even notice Jeremy was gone for 5 hours while making out (5x01)
- Because Damon takes care of her little brother so she can have a normal college experience (5x01)
- Because Elena come back for one more goodbye kiss (5x01)
- Because “Mad can wait” (5x02)
- Because she fought Silas’ compulsion by hurting herself to save Damon (5x02)
- Because Damon is secure enough in their relationship… but it still sucks (5x02)
- Because she is still gonna love him (5x02)
- Because she would hurt herself before anything bad happens to him. (5x02)
- Because they don't deserve their love and give it to each other anyway. (5x02)
- Because she is not gonna let anything come between them. (5x03)
- Because nothing is worth a hair in her head (5x03)
- Because no one tells Damon who he loves… definitely not the universe (5x03)
- Because nobody’s idea of destiny is going to stop him from building a future with her (5x03)
- Because she is his life (5x03)
- Because he always let her speechless… so she doesn’t say anything, she just kiss him (5x03)
- Because nobody comforts Elena the way Damon does (5x04)
- Because they are the modern Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn o Because they made history as Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn did. (5x05)
- Because she can't be mad at him for more than 5 minutes (5x06)
- Because they like their life when is peaceful, quiet and it's just them. (5x06)
- Because she knows Damon will never put anyone's life before hers, including his own. (5x06)
- Because she spent the summer of her dreams with Damon. (5x07)
- Because the only moody and mistery guy Elena wants to make out with is him. (5x08)
- Because she knows her best friend is back because of him (5x08)
- Because she is happy to be a vampire thanks to him. (5x08)
- Because he promises he will get her out of the cage… And she knows he will. (5x09)
- Because she loves him… whatever he had to do, she doesn’t care . (5x09)
- Because he breaks a wall with his bare hands to get out and save her (5x10)
- Because she chose him, and because she stands by her choice (5x10)
- Because they are miserable when the are not together (5x11)
- Because she is the best person he knows… she is the best influence on him. (5x12)
- Because she is the good… and he needs a little good in his life. (5x12)
- Because without her there is an awful lot of darkness… (5x12)
- Because he doesn't want to change her. (5x12)
- Because he still thinks he's not enough for her. (5x12)
- Because he is a dick when she is gone. (5x13)
- Because when she awakes he is the first thing she sees… (5x15)
- Because they have so much control over each other (5x16)
- Because she goes against every single thing she believes in... because she loves him. (5x16)
- Because she CAN’T stop loving him (5x16)
- Because when they break up they can’t even look each other in the eyes (5x16)
- Because she has memorised his phone number. (5x16)
- Because she feel safe in his arms. (5x16)
- Because she loves him even in his darkest place. (5x16)
- Because she can't help but love him. (5x16)
- Because she would forgive everything he did just because she loves him. (5x16)
- Because she wanted to fight for him. (5x16)
- Because they broke up and still had post-break up sex. (5x16)
- Because when they are together the screen brokes into a million pieces o Because when they are together the viewers has to get a cold shower. (5x16, 5x17)
- Because they should keep making mistakes… big ones (5x17)
- Because they’d make one hell of a naked breakfast (5x17)
- Because he just want to kiss every square inch of her body (5x17)
- Because they know how to make hot a chemistry class. (5x17)
- Because she would spend the whole drive thinking about his hand next to hers.. (5x17)
- Because she can’t stop herself from letting him kiss her (5x17)
- Because she needs Damon to let her go… so he does (5x17)
- Because she can't keep her hands out of him. (5x17)
- Because she doesn't need a spell to dream about him. (5x17)
- Because he is Jeremy's first contact at High School. (5x17)
- Because they were up for three hours without saying a word because they just wanted to be together. (5x17)
- Because they know how to let each other go (5x17 and 5x18)
- Because they are real. (5x18)
- Because they are messy and complicated… but they are real (5x18)
- Because she still needs him in his life (5x18)
- Because being just her friend is so damn hard (5x18)
- Because being around her drives him nuts and not being around her drives him nuts. (5x20)
- Because she always calls him first. (5x20)
- Because their love is more than chemical. (5x20)
- Because when they have a really crappy day they need each other (5x20-5x21)
- Because they make each other's day so much better. (5x20 y 5x21)
- Because she can't think a worst way to die that not seeing him. (5x21)
- Because she know whats she has signed up for...and she is ALL IN (5x22)
- Because all they can see is a future together (5x22)
- Because she died for him. (5x22)
- Because she can't imagine a future without Damon in it. (5x22)
- Because she is broken without him. (5x22)
- Because she would do the unthinkable for him. (5x22)
- Because he's been loved by Elena Gilbert. (5x22)
- Because she has realised too late how much she loves him. (5x22)
- Because he couldn't be happier. (5x22)
28/08/2014 23:27

Dejo para empezar el vídeo que hicieron recogiendo las primeras 3 temporadas, para que sirva de inspiración y si alguna no lo ha visto que sepa como va la cosa ;)
28/08/2014 23:37
Que buena idea Ire!!!
28/08/2014 23:39
Yo ya estoy haciendo mi pequeña lista. Cuando piense unas cuantas os las pongo a ver que os parecen y así vamos debatiendo qué ponemos! ;)
28/08/2014 23:39
Ire, te dejo mi aportación.

Porque por que el amor hizo posible, lo que parecia imposible.

Se puede utilizar para ambos, cuando estrellan el camaro sin saber si ván a morir ...pasara lo que pasara seria juntos. Es una acción que denota un gran compromiso entre ellos.

Espero que no suene muy cursi...que yo soy muy moñosa jaja.
28/08/2014 23:46
Gracias Maribel por la primera frase!!

Os dejo vídeos con las escenas delena del 5x01-5x02 para quien quiera guiarse por ahí ;)


5x02 - parte 1:

5x02 - parte 2:

5x02 - parte 3:


PD. Quién se atreva a ponerla directamente en inglés mejor! Que así ahorramos tiempo! Sino pues en español y ya luego las traducimos ;)


Voy a ir editando este post para poner más videos!
28/08/2014 23:48
Ire en mi mensaje anterior he puesto tambien la escena (después de pensar en varias)en la que creo que mejor cuadra lo que queria expresar.
28/08/2014 23:50
Dejo mi lista. Está todo basado en lo que han dicho o demostrado Elena y Damon esta temporada. Me he dado cuenta de que la mayoría son sobre ella jajaja Se nota que necesitábamos que Elena nos demostrase un par de cosas.

Because she spent the summer of her dreams with Damon.
Because she died for him.
Because they make each other's day so much better.
Because she has memorised his phone number.
Because she feel safe in his arms.
Because she can't imagine a future without Damon on it.
Because She knows Damon will never put anyone's life before hers, including his own.
Becuase being around her drives him nuts and not being around her drives him nuts.
Because she is not gonna let anything come between them.
Because she can't think a worst way to die that not seeing him.
Because she loves him even in his darkest place.
Because she would hurt herself before anything bad happens to him.
Because she can't keep her hands out of him.
Because she can't help but love him.
Because she can't help but dream about him.
Because they are real.
Because he is the one she calls first o Because she always calls him first.
Because she is broken without him.
Because she would do the unthinkable for him
Because when they are together the screen brokes into a million pieces o Because when they are together the viewers has to get a cold shower. carcajada
Because he's been loved by Elena Gilbert.
Because she has realised too late how much she loves him.
Because he couldn't be happier.
Because they control each other.
Because everyone in Mystic Falls has finally realised they are meant to be.
Because she would forgive everything he did just because she loves him.
28/08/2014 23:52
IREEEE:Me parece una buenísima idea. Me acabo de inventar una frase a ver qué os parece:
''porque se tienen sin tenerse y porque se quieren sin querer''
A ver quién me gana a cursicarcajada
Si está mal pongo otras. Seguramente se me van a ocurrir más, ¿hay una cifra límite o
se pueden aportar las que se quieran? (sin colapsar el foro, claro)
MARTITAH: ¡¡Qué pasada!!asombrado Me ganas por goleada. Preciosas todas ellas.
29/08/2014 00:14
Gracias a las 2! Las voy apuntando ;)

Ahí dejo algunas que he sacado de los 2 primeros episodios:

1. Because of the “summer of our lives” (5x01)
2. Because they didn’t even notice Jeremy was gone for 5 hours while making out (5x01)
3. Because Damon takes care of her little brother so she can have a normal college experience (5x01)
4. Because Elena come back for one more goodbye kiss (5x01)
5. Because “Mad can wait” (5x02)
6. Because she fought Silas’ compulsion by hurting herself to save Damon (5x02)
7. Because Damon is secure enough in their relationship… but it still sucks (5x02)
8. Because she is still gonna love him (5x02)
#10 Xirima
29/08/2014 00:22
Joo que buena idea!! aunque ya habéis puesto muchísimas y todas geniales así que ya me habéis dejado casi sin ideas!!jajaja

Me gusta la idea mucho, para amenizar la espera y sobre todo para reavivar la ilusión por el Delena que yo con todos los líos tengo miedo a que no me transmitan lo de antes pero vamos que viendo 5 segundos de cualquiera de esos vídeos ya se te olvida todo! :)

A ver si se me ocurre alguno nuevo!jejeje

PD: Because they know how to let each other go (5x17 and 5x18)
Because she know whats she has signed up for...and she is ALL IN (5x22):)
#11 Ire91
29/08/2014 00:29
Perfecto Xirima!! Lo que puedas aportar estará genial ;)

Dejo del 5x03:

9. Because nothing is worth a hair in her head (5x03)
10. Because no one tells Damon who he loves… definitely not the universe (5x03)
11. Because nobody’s idea of destiny is going to stop him from building a future with her (5x03)
12. Because she is his life (5x03)
13. Because he always let her speechless… so she doesn’t say anything, she just kiss him (5x03)
#12 Xirima
29/08/2014 00:35
Bufff! es que hay mil, después nos quejamos de que no nos dan momentos Delena, somos unas inconformistas!!jajaja

Ire! se pueden poner todos en la cabecera del post? porque así los vemos todos del tirón y no repetimos y bueno...aunque no nos escojan ninguno para el vídeo (lo veo muy complicado por desgracia..jejeje) nos montamos un buen remember entre nosotras!!XDD
#13 kolina
29/08/2014 00:36
Jajaj Ire ha mi me ha pasado al reves,que estaba con lo de Ian-Nikki y me estoy perdiendo las frases jaja
#14 Pinkie
29/08/2014 00:37
Uy, y esto que es lo que es??? Yo también me lo había perdido! De todas formas soy malísima para estas cosas... Pero estoy segura de que saldrán frases geniales!
#15 Ire91
29/08/2014 00:42
Sí ahora lo pongo todo arriba!! Era mi intención hacerlo antes pero ha salido foto de Ian nueva y me he despistado carcajada

jajajaja Marta y Nuria, si es que no se puede estar a todo!! Estas cosas las deberían programar y así nos organizamos en condiciones... No así de golpe que salgan fotos de debajo de las piedras que nos pillan con unos pelos que no veas carcajada
29/08/2014 00:42
Que buenas Ire y Xirima. Me encanta la segunda que has puesto Xirima, ALL IN! :)
#17 kolina
29/08/2014 00:45
Jajajajaja no es que siempre pasa igual,nos tienen toda la semana a dos velas aqui aburridas y ala de golpe todo jajaja bueno como se puede coloborar todavia? falta alguna frase,habeis dejado capis sin nombrar???
#18 Xirima
29/08/2014 00:46
jejejej es que he vuelto a ver la escena para poder transcribirlo bien y ese ALL genial!! A mi me sale una sonrisilla cada vez que veo esa escena del coche!jejej
29/08/2014 00:49
A mi ESE capítulo en general. carcajada Es que solo de recordarlo se me pone la piel de gallina. Con deciros que no soy capaz de escuchar el Wings sin ver la escena completa (cosa que hace bastante que no hago) porque la tengo tan ligada que no la puedo escuchar jajajaj
#20 kolina
29/08/2014 00:51
Jajaja a mi me pasa igual,nos ha dejado traumatizadas y marcadas la finale jaja
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