

Muere Camila María Concepción, guionista de 'Gentefied' y 'Daybreak', a los 28 años

Se introdujo en la industria de la mano de Jill Soloway, creadora de 'Transparent'.

Muere Camila María Concepción, guionista de 'Gentefied' y 'Daybreak', a los 28 años
Por Cèlia GallegoPublicado: Viernes 28 Febrero 2020 03:45 | Última actualización: Viernes 28 Febrero 2020 04:12

Camila Maria Concepción, actriz, activista transgénero y guionista de series de Netflix como 'Gentefied' y 'Daybreak', murió la semana pasada a los veintiocho años de edad. Según informó su representante, la joven escritora se habría suicidado.

Camila Maria Concepción

Camila Maria Concepción

"Nos sentimos desconsolados por la pérdida de Camila Concepción", declaró el equipo de 'Gentefied' en un comunicado. "Fue contratada como asistente de nuestros guionistas en ' Gentefied', pero rápidamente se abrió paso en nuestros corazones como hermana, guionista y amiga. Co-escribió el episodio 109, "Protest Tacos", y nos sorprendió su increíble talento y su voz única. Definitivamente fue una fuerza a tener en cuenta y estamos profundamente tristes por la pérdida de una de nuestras estrellas más brillantes."

Concepción trabajó como guionista en la serie zombie de Netflix y fue asistente de guión de 'Gentefied', la ficción bilingüe producida por America Ferrera recientemente estrenada en la plataforma que sigue a tres primos mexicoamericanos que regentan una taquería en Los Angeles en su lucha por conseguir el sueño americano.

Nacida en el sur de California, Concepción entró en el negocio de la mano de Jill Soloway y trabajó en estrecha colaboración con la creadora de 'Transparent' promoviendo la iniciativa 50/50 para 2020 que busca la paridad de género en la industria. Antes de iniciar su carrera en el mundo del entretenimiento, estudió literatura inglesa en la Universidad de Yale.  

Guionista brillante y activista incansable

En un comunicado, Netflix la describió como "una guionista de talento con pasión por la narración de historias, elevando a voces infrarrepresentadas y luchando por la representación delante y detrás de la cámara."

"Estamos profundamente entristecidos al enterarnos del trágico fallecimiento de Camila Concepción", decía la declaración del servicio. "Contribuyó con sus críticas audaces a nuestra industria, como recientemente con su increíble escritura en 'Gentefied', y su legado vivirá a través de su trabajo. Nuestros pensamientos están con su familia y amigos en este momento de pérdida."

Muchos de los compañeros de Concepción, entre ellos los co-creadores de 'Gentefied', Marvin Lemus y Linda Yvette Chávez, han utilizado las redes sociales para compartir sus recuerdos y rendirle homenaje.

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Camila, mi amor, I can't seem to write these words without bursting into tears. I can't believe I'm writing these words at all. Because you're supposed to be here, Camila. You were supposed to be there Thursday and you weren't. And I texted you because I was worried. Because you were missing. A big part of this dream was missing and i should have known... I should have listened to that voice inside that said something was wrong... My love, you were brilliant. You were powerful. You were a creator Marvin and I were ready to champion to the ends of the earth. The first time you sat in that room with us a year and a half ago you were magnetic. You told story like you were spinning cotton candy. The sweetness enveloping the jagged edges of a woman looking to heal. My girl from El Monte who went to Yale who loved her girl from Norwalk who went to Stanford. And we trauma-bonded over being the only ones in a sea of whiteness. Over leaving our hoods and doing better and doing right by our mamis. You were an angel God sent me. I'll never forget the first text you sent me filled with so much love, respect, and adoration. You said you looked up to me but in words that felt like they were coming from the universe itself because you always seemed to send them when I needed them most. When I was struggling with making the show and was having a hard time believing in myself. You were this angel that would pop into my messages or into my office and say exactly what I needed to hear... and did I ever thank you for that? I thought I did but now I can't remember. And fork I hope I did. You were a light. A brilliant light that struggled to shine in the midst of the darkness in this world. But I saw you, girl. I forking saw you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I knew you were forking magic and I wanted the world to devour your magnificence the way you deserved. Baby, you were going to have a show on HBO. I needed that show. I needed your voice. Your story. Your wisdom. Your forking fierce wit and fearless IDGAF fervor. You should be here.

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I've been trying to avoid writing this post all day. Late last night the Gentefied family learned that we lost one of the brightest souls, not only on this show, but that I've ever met in my life. I've been trying my hardest to numb the hurt by focusing on the show and all the love coming in, waiting to get a phone call to let me know this was a sick joke. Camila, Im so mad at you right now. I'm so forking pissed because I kept waiting to hear back about that coffee. I was excited to see what crazy outfit you were going to wear to the premiere. I'm mad that I don't get to hear you ramble on and on about what you thought of your first episode of television. What I'm sure would be mostly talking about how forking great you are. And you would be absolutely right. When Linda and I met you, we knew you were the most special, raw talent we'd ever forking met. We knew you were going to be huge. You were going to be bigger than just our writer's assistant. I'm so forking mad at you because I'm one of your million adoring fans and I was going to make it my personal mission to make sure the forking world knew your name. I was so excited thinking about being in the room again with you and being annoyed at how many forking pictures you would ask me to take of you because you knew my conceited ash also wanted to get the best shot that made you look amazing. Mija, I knew just an inkling of the pain you were feeling and the hurt you had gone through. You inspired me every day with your perseverance and your ability to shorten very forking word to fit into your schedule. Mija, I hope you're at peace now. I'll get over my anger. I'm not ready yet. Maybe it's just my way of holding onto just a bit of the flame that made you so incredibly bright. The past 24 hours were supposed to be for all of us. Pero te lo juro que we'll make every minute from now on count in your honor. Siempre. Rest in Power. Rest In Peace. Te amo. Your big brother, Marvinganoosh.

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Camila, you're wearing my shirt in this photo because you lost yours. Which is classic you. I just left your memorial service. You don't feel gone. As @mexemilia lovingly pointed out when everyone was sharing stories, you were our @gentefied writers assistant, but not a very good one. You got so into the characters and stories and jokes, and forgot to take notes. Sometimes you took smoke breaks knees deep into story breaking! ???? Emilia said it better cause she does all the funny voices, but whatever you were there. It became obvious you were a brilliant voice. And a rising star. You referred to yourself as an international lifestyle brand (not even as a joke), and talked about when you were going to be famous. And how could you not be? You were impossible not to notice and feel. Yesterday when your agent confirmed your departure from this timeline and realm, I had a moment in knowing you would've appreciated that. Because there's nothing more Hollywood and rock n' roll than when "your people" deliver the messages you don't want for you. Camila, i don't believe we ever die. We transform. You may have left the vessel of that white girl booty, but you're not gone. Not really. Thank you for your intense vulnerability and sharing yourself with us.

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